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National Children’s Gardening Week

It’s National Children’s Gardening Week. This week celebrates the fun that gardens hold for children, and we have curated a list of fun activities for all the family to enjoy this gardening week and throughout the summer.

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Chocolate Plants

Chocolate isn’t just for Easter! Chocolate plants make it possible to enjoy the colour and or scent all summer long.

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Your Garden in April

Your Garden in April

Spring has sprung at last, April is a wonderful time with warmer temperatures and periods of Spring sunshine ( & perhaps the odd shower!).

The garden surges into growth and there is much to do to ensure your garden is beautiful and productive in the months ahead so we have put together a handy April blog do get you started!

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The Garden Tools You Need for a Successful Spring Season

Along with the prospect of some long-awaited warmer weather, one of the best things about turning the corner out of winter is that we can all go out and begin to spend more time in the garden again. There is plenty that can be done as we all come out of hibernation – in fact when it comes to our gardens, there is a great deal of work to get your teeth into.

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Plug Plants

There is a great sense of satisfaction when you nurture a young plant from its earliest days through to flowering. At this time of year, the extensive range of Kinder Plants allows you to grow a broad range of summer flowering plants without having to start from seed.

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Your Garden in March

Your Garden in March

The weather is starting to warm up this March and as we get into early spring, there are lots of jobs to do in your garden. Spring is the start of the gardening season and is the time to get started in your garden and work hard to create a beautiful space in your home this year.

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young gardeners featured image

Fun February Activities

It’s February half term and there are lots of fun and creative gardening activities to keep your little ones entertained this week.

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Love Your Garden this February

February is an early start to the spring season, with many flowers and crops being ready to plant. There are many great jobs to do in the garden, starting with preparing plants ready for a beautiful bloom in spring.

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Blooming Beautiful this Spring

Winter be gone! Here comes the spring and with it the opportunity to plant bulbs that will fill your outdoor space with vibrant colours. As ever, whether you have a balcony or an acre there’s something for you in the beautiful world of bulbs, corms, and tubers. Let me take you on a quick tour of some of my favourite summer bloomers…

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Your Garden in January

Your Garden in January

January is the coldest month of the year, but it is the month the garden starts to grow again and preparing it to come out of hibernation and ready for spring is essential this month.

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