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Planting Spring Bulbs

September is frequently a wonderful month for gardeners, there are gardens to visit filled with flowers, fruit, and inspiration.

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Wildlife Friendly Gardens

Our gardens are filling up with colour and scent as warm weather, rain and longer daylight hours encourage growth.

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Your Garden in May

Your Garden in May

With the longer days & warmer weather, there is much to do in the garden in May. Focus on tidying Spring plants & planting out flowers and veg for the year.

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Your Garden in April

Your Garden in April

Spring has sprung at last, April is a wonderful time with warmer temperatures and periods of Spring sunshine ( & perhaps the odd shower!).

The garden surges into growth and there is much to do to ensure your garden is beautiful and productive in the months ahead so we have put together a handy April blog do get you started!

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Blooming Beautiful this Spring

Winter be gone! Here comes the spring and with it the opportunity to plant bulbs that will fill your outdoor space with vibrant colours. As ever, whether you have a balcony or an acre there’s something for you in the beautiful world of bulbs, corms, and tubers. Let me take you on a quick tour of some of my favourite summer bloomers…

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Your garden in March

With the arrival of Spring it’s now time to put all your garden plans into action as there are plenty of jobs to be starting. It’s time to get busy sowing and growing!

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Your garden in February feature image

Your garden in February

Trimming and pruning is a key focus this month, trim back ivy and creepers if they have outgrown their space before birds start nesting in them. Prune winter-flowering shrubs that have finished flowering such as mahonia, heathers and winter jasmine. You can now cut back deciduous grasses leftover Winter ready for fresh growth to start as the weather warms up.

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