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Decorate your Fireplace this Christmas

There is nothing cosier than snuggling up with loved ones in front of the fireplace after the Christmas festivities.
30th Nov

Decorating your dining table for Christmas

The dining table is the focal point for the family meal, and never more so than on Christmas Day.
28th Nov

Decorating your stairs this Christmas

Your staircase is not only a functional addition to your house but can also play a key role in your festive aesthetics.
25th Nov

Decorating your Front Door for Christmas

Christmas is just around the corner and when it comes to the holiday season, there is no better way to show your neighbours and friends, and family that festive cheer than by creating a beautiful decoration scheme for your front door.
23rd Nov

Late Autumn and Winter Gardening Tips

Winter is almost here! Let's get our garden ready for the colder seasons and wet weather.
20th Nov

Treating your Garden Furniture this Winter

As the weather gets colder and the nights get shorter, sadly it’s time to retire our garden furniture for the winter.
14th Nov

How to Look After Garden Wildlife Over Winter

Winter is a crucial time for wildlife and as the weather turns, our garden visitors will need a little helping hand.
16th Oct

Fun February Activities

It’s February half term and there are lots of fun and creative gardening activities to keep your little ones entertained this week.
11th Feb

Love Your Garden this February

February is an early start to the spring season, with many flowers and crops being ready to plant. There are many great jobs to do in the garden, starting with preparing plants ready for a beautiful bloom in spring.
1st Feb

Birdwatching this January

Late January is the perfect bird-watching season. Many birds are fond of gardens in the winter as that is where they source most of their food, from bird tables and feeders.
27th Jan
