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Summer Gardens, Children and Colour

Spending your summer in the garden is the best way to enjoy the weather and time off. The summer months can be difficult to keep your children entertained all day for six weeks.
12th Aug

Sow today … Eat tomorrow!

One of the great things about this time of year is that you can sow edibles and eat your efforts in a few weeks' time. With the warm weather, you can sow straight to the ground or pots and don’t need a greenhouse.
29th Jun

The 5 senses in Gardening

Catering for all five senses is important too. Sensory input to both stimulates and relax is critical for these children, more so than it is for the rest of us.
19th May

Is your garden fit for a Queen?

What better reason to have a garden party than the upcoming royal jubilee? There’s plenty of time to prepare your garden in regal fashion; here are my top tips for a colourful summer.
3rd May

Chocolate Plants

Chocolate isn't just for Easter! Chocolate plants make it possible to enjoy the colour and or scent all summer long.
26th Apr

April is Here, and so is Spring

Warmer weather, longer days and April showers all come together to herald the time of year when we naturally head towards the outdoors. In the last few days of March, flowers started to appear in abundance – particularly magnolias, one of my favourite spring flowers.
1st Apr

Love Your Garden this February

February is an early start to the spring season, with many flowers and crops being ready to plant. There are many great jobs to do in the garden, starting with preparing plants ready for a beautiful bloom in spring.
1st Feb

Blooming Beautiful this Spring

Winter be gone! Here comes the spring and with it the opportunity to plant bulbs that will fill your outdoor space with vibrant colours. As ever, whether you have a balcony or an acre there’s something for you in the beautiful world of bulbs, corms, and tubers. Let me take you on a quick tour of some of my favourite summer bloomers…
20th Jan
