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Gardening this Autumn

Gardening in Autumn is all about planning ahead for the next season. And asking yourself, how do you want your garden to look in Spring?
14th Oct

Planting Spring Bulbs

September is frequently a wonderful month for gardeners, there are gardens to visit filled with flowers, fruit, and inspiration.
22nd Sep

12 Autumn Plants to Brighten up your Garden

The nights are starting to draw in and the summer sunshine is starting to fade, why not brighten up your garden with autumn plants?
16th Sep

Summer in England

I have now been writing this article for 10 years so I thought I would look back to the first one I wrote to see what I said then. Oh my, how times have changed in just 10 years! This was the opening paragraph….
20th Aug

Summer Gardens, Children and Colour

Spending your summer in the garden is the best way to enjoy the weather and time off. The summer months can be difficult to keep your children entertained all day for six weeks.
12th Aug

Water Wisely

Watering wisely is all about understanding your garden and what it needs. 
28th Jul

Gardening During a Heatwave

There are two, related topics I’d like to share with you this month. Keep your plants hydrated and ensure your garden plants survive when you go away on holiday.
22nd Jul

Gardening in the Summer

The FA cup final marks the start of summer for me. In late May the danger of frost has passed and I start planting out sweet pea and tomato seedlings in pots on the patio. That Saturday afternoon is also an excellent time to buy bedding plants for my window boxes.
7th Jul

Sow today … Eat tomorrow!

One of the great things about this time of year is that you can sow edibles and eat your efforts in a few weeks' time. With the warm weather, you can sow straight to the ground or pots and don’t need a greenhouse.
29th Jun

Wildlife Friendly Gardens

Our gardens are filling up with colour and scent as warm weather, rain and longer daylight hours encourage growth.
16th Jun
