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Love Your Garden this February

February is an early start to the spring season, with many flowers and crops being ready to plant. There are many great jobs to do in the garden, starting with preparing plants ready for a beautiful bloom in spring.
1st Feb

Birdwatching this January

Late January is the perfect bird-watching season. Many birds are fond of gardens in the winter as that is where they source most of their food, from bird tables and feeders.
27th Jan

Blooming Beautiful this Spring

Winter be gone! Here comes the spring and with it the opportunity to plant bulbs that will fill your outdoor space with vibrant colours. As ever, whether you have a balcony or an acre there’s something for you in the beautiful world of bulbs, corms, and tubers. Let me take you on a quick tour of some of my favourite summer bloomers…
20th Jan

Your Garden in January

January is the coldest month of the year, but it is the month the garden starts to grow again and preparing it to come out of hibernation and ready for spring is essential this month.
1st Jan

Fun Activities this Christmas – Young Gardeners

Great Christmas and festive activities for all the family.
2nd Dec

Your home this December

‘Tis the season to be jolly. The time has come to decorate your home for Christmas, from garden lights to bright Christmas trees. Your entire house can be wrapped in festive cheer.
1st Dec

Your Garden in December

It’s finally December and the start of the UK winter season. As well as the important jobs like celebrating the festive season, there are a few jobs and activities to do around the garden this December.
1st Dec

Make Room is coming to Carr Gate

Make Room has arrived at Carr Gate Garden Centre.
22nd Nov

Young Gardener’s in November

This November there is lots of fun to have in the garden and enjoy being outdoors.
1st Nov

Your Garden in November

This November there is plenty to do in your garden. Much like previous months, November is a great month to plant spring bulbs and prepare your garden and plants for the upcoming spring.
29th Oct
