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New Year’s Resolutions for Your Garden

New Year’s Resolutions are obviously topical at the moment, but have you thought about making New Year’s Resolutions for the way you manage your garden?
1st Jan

Our guide to the best and most cost-effective LED Christmas Lights

With the cost-of-living crisis affecting many, families might be looking to cut down on their usual festive spending over the Christmas and New Year period.
13th Dec

Decorating your Tree this Christmas

Your Christmas Tree is the main focal point at Christmas, with so much happening in and around it. Therefore, it needs to look the part. We have created a list of the top 5 ways to help decorate your tree this year, making it the best Christmas Tree yet!
2nd Dec

Christmas Plants for Your Home and Garden

There’s plenty going on in the garden, even at Christmas time. Let's look at what we can do this month.
1st Dec

Decorate your Fireplace this Christmas

There is nothing cosier than snuggling up with loved ones in front of the fireplace after the Christmas festivities.
30th Nov

Decorating your dining table for Christmas

The dining table is the focal point for the family meal, and never more so than on Christmas Day.
28th Nov
